Welcome to the German Program
German is one of the most spoken first-languages in the European Union. By studying German, students will not only gain access to the language, a long and fascinating history, and strong literary and philosophical traditions, they will also learn about a vibrant culture at the center of 21st century Europe. Germany is a world leader in politics, business, culture, and manufacturing. Finally, since reunification, its capital, Berlin, has regained its stature as one of the premier cultural and tourist centers not only in Europe, but in the world.
We are part of the World Languages and Cultures Department. We offer language courses every semester, a minor in German, study abroad opportunities, and additional courses in other departments related to German language and culture. For information on the German minor, please go to the Undergraduate Bulletin (Click on ‘Humanities & Social Sciences,’ then on ‘World Languages and Cultures’ and search for ‘Requirements for the Minor’).
Program of Studies
- GER 101/German for Beginners I
- GER 102/German for Beginners II
- GER 103/German for Beginners III
- GER 171/The Contemporary German-Speaking World (English)
- GER 201/Intermediate German I
- GER 202/Introduction to German Literature
- GER 203/German Grammar Review
- GER 216/Current Events in the German-Speaking World
- GER 255/German for Business
- GER 270/Intermediate Topics in German
- GER 371/Topics in German (English)
- GER 391/Independent Study in German
TCNJ student as well as intern at the Philadelphia German American Chamber of Commerce (GACC), Sean Price, and Professor Fenner at the 25th Anniversary Gala of the Philadelphia German American Chamber of Commerce at the Ben Franklin Institute of Philadelphia (see Ben Franklin in the background!). Sean, a former Business German student of Professor Fenner’s, participated in the set up and preparation of this big event commemorating not only the 25th Anniversary of the Philadelphia GACC, but also commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Many photographs as well as personal stories were shared of what this powerful, historical event meant to so many Germans as well as Americans. Pictured below is Sean Price and Professor Karen Fenner.
Get involved! Join the German Culture Club, gerclub@tcnj.edu.
Program Coordinator
Karen Fenner, fennerk@tcnj.edu Bliss Hall 310 (ext. 2275)