The purpose of these courses is to introduce you to the Spanish language and culture. Therefore, native and heritage speakers of Spanish will not receive credit for these courses. Please see the Chair in order to enroll in Spanish 210.
All Spanish courses in the Department of World Languages and Cultures are founded on the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages, 2015, which describe the five Cs of language acquisition:
- communication
- culture
- comparisons
- connections
- community
Students in the basic Spanish sequence have the opportunity to practice the three modes of communication, (interpersonal, interpretive and presentational) to learn about Hispanic culture (products, practices and perspectives), and to make comparisons between their first language and culture and the Spanish language and culture. In addition, students make connections to other fields of study unavailable to them through their native language. Finally, students have the opportunity to engage with the Hispanic community outside of the classroom.
The goal of the basic Spanish sequence therefore is to produce students with an observable and definable of degree of language proficiency. These courses are participatory courses. In order to learn a foreign language, one must use a foreign language. Students who participate fully by regularly attending class, completing assignments, viewing Sol y viento (102) and where applicable, completing assigned reading selections should find the courses more enjoyable, learn from their mistakes and see their work improve. NOTE: The Department highly recommends that students complete the sequence in continuous semesters. Historically, students perform poorly when they allow a lapse of time between courses. This is especially true for students considering a Major or Minor in Spanish.
Curriculum Description
Each of these three courses has one main component: the activities and exercises from the e-book, used in the classroom and assigned as homework. In addition, Spanish 102 and 103 also utilize reading assignments to enhance language acquisition and Spanish 102 includes a Spanish video series (viewed outside the classroom). In the classroom, students are expected to participate in a variety of oral and written activities. By working through these activities, you will begin to understand and use the basic vocabulary and grammar of the Spanish language.
The homework assigned will facilitate language use in the classroom. Students are expected to complete the assigned vocabulary, grammar and culture sections and submit the related exercises beforehand so that they can bring their questions and doubts to class and effectively participate in the different class activities. Grammar explanations in the classroom will be held to a strict minimum.
Students who do not complete the homework assignments are generally quite confused and frustrated in the classroom. In addition, they usually perform poorly on the exams.
This one-unit class meets for an additional hour through the Oral Proficiency Class, a session that appears on the students’ schedule in PAWS in a regularly scheduled classroom.
Oral ™Proficiency Class
The weekly Oral Proficiency Classes offer the opportunity to converse in Spanish about a variety of topics in a small group setting, and are led by a more advanced undergraduate speaker. Students will improve their oral skills and maximize their chances of reaching an Intermediate oral proficiency level by the end of the course sequence. Active participation in this oral proficiency class is required for success in these courses and will count towards the final grade. The Oral Proficiency Classes Coordinator for all Spanish sections is Prof. Tulia Jiménez-Vergara (Bliss 314, Please click on the following link to view your Oral Proficiency Classes Contract.
You can return your contract in the following ways:
- Print, sign, scan, and send as an email attachment
- Print, sign, and attach a photo to email
- Attach the contract to email indicating that you’ve read the it and agree to the terms.
Oral Proficiency Classes Contract
Video Component
The video component of the full length movie Sol y viento in Spanish 102 is divided into episodes and will be viewed outside of class. You will then complete a written assignment after each video and we will discuss the plot and characters periodically in class. Sol y viento tells the story of a vineyard in Chile and its potential sale to a corporation that will destroy the land and the lives of the local inhabitants. Students will be encouraged to make guesses about what is taking place in the program even if some of the vocabulary is new or unknown. Sol y viento will be available to students through the NJVid Browser in Canvas. The episodes are also available in the Media and Listening Room in West Library. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO VIEW EACH EPISODE BEFORE CLASS. In class you will be tested on the material presented in the episode. You will most likely not understand everything on the episode. Listen carefully and use the visual cues to aid in comprehension.
Reading assignments
Reading assignments are designed to help Spanish students improve their language skills (in Spanish 102 and Spanish 103). They will serve as a basis for class discussion and in-class compositions, and will appear on chapter tests.
Liberal Learning
Satisfactory completion of Spanish 103 fulfills the Liberal Learning requirement for a foreign language.
Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access and Belonging:
The TCNJ community is composed of people with diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, and the college is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, access and belonging. The college’s Campus Diversity Statement can be viewed here:
Classroom Environment and Commitment to Student Success, Safety, and Well-being:
The TCNJ community is dedicated to the success, safety and well-being of each student. TCNJ strictly follows key policies that govern all TCNJ community members rights and responsibilities in and out of the classroom. In addition, TCNJ has established several student support offices that can provide the support and resources to help students achieve their personal and professional goals and to promote health and well-being. You can find more information about these policies and resources at the “TCNJ Student Support Resources and Classroom Policies” webpage here:
Students who anticipate and/or experience barriers in this course are encouraged to contact the instructor as early in the semester as possible. The Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) is available to facilitate the removal of barriers and to ensure reasonable accommodations. For more information about ARC, please visit:
Policies and Student Support Resources
Please refer to the individual course web pages for grading policies, course calendars and further information. All Basic Spanish classes adhere to The College of New Jersey’s classroom policies. Click here to see TCNJ Student Support Resources and Classroom Policies.
Spanish 101 texts and materials
Spanish 102 texts and materials
Spanish 103 texts and materials