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Spring 2015 Universidad de Alcalá de Henares

TCNJ students spending the semester in Alcalá de Henares, Spain made the local paper. The story is about the volunteer work they did at a local homeless shelter. During the course of the semester they created a new website for the shelter as well as volunteering there.

alcala in paper

TCNJ students in Spain received diplomas and recognition for their volunteer work this semester at La Casa de Acogida, a homeless shelter and soup kitchen in Alcalá de Henares.

diplomas alcala

More photos of students providing a tour of a photo exhibition about U.S.-Spain relations during the Franco dictatorship. This exhibit is part of the international conference at the Instituto Franklin on the historical ties between Spain and the U.S.

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A few more photos of TCNJ students in Alcalá. Students here are providing a tour of a photo exhibition about U.S.-Spain relations during the Franco dictatorship. This exhibit is part of the international conference at the Instituto Franklin on the historical ties between Spain and the U.S.

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TCNJ students provided simultaneous translation as well as conducted a tour of a photo exhibition at an international conference at the University of Alcalá de Henares. The conference is about the historical links between the U.S and Spain.

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So proud of our TCNJ students in Spain. Here you can see them preparing meals at a homeless shelter, volunteering at a hospital and having a party for the students in the Spanish and job readiness classes that they’re teaching.

Alcala homeless shelter 3 alcala homeless shelter 2 Hospital Universitario Principe de Asturias alcala homeless shelter

Museo Nacional del Prado

Museo Nacional del Prado Museo El Prado

Ávila, Castilla y León, Spain.

Avila, Castilla y Leon, Spain


Field trip to El valle de los caídos

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TCNJ students continue to teach Spanish and job readiness classes at CEPI (El Centro de Participación e Integración de la Comunidad de Madrid).

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At the National Arqueology Museum in Madrid

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At El Escorial

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IMM professor Chris Ault leads a class discussion in the Plaza Cervantes in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, near Madrid. Students in the “High Tech Expatriate” course are designing a mobile app that allows current study-abroad students to benefit from the unique experiences and insights of previous students. The plaza is named for Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote, who was born in Alcalá.

Students diagram concepts for their mobile app in a 400-year-old former convent that’s now home to the Instituto Franklin, TCNJ’s study-abroad partner in Alcalá.

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From Segovia, Spain!

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Students in Alcala organize their website project with homeless shelter dir at Casa de Acogida

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Students teaching Spanish and job readiness classes to immigrants in Alcalá.photo 4photo 3Alcala Spring 2015
